Best Practices to Stay Compliant with Short Code SMS

Best Practices to Stay Compliant with Short Code SMSThere are some rules and techniques for staying compliant with Short Code SMS in Kolkata. One will get to know more about these practices in this blog.

With SMS marketing, since it is all about reaching the customers on their mobile devices via text messages, it is essential that one follows the same rules and regulations of consent that one would with the other electronic mediums. Using Short Code SMS in Kolkata can provide some safety measures for ensuring compliance.

The first step to understand compliance with this SMS marketing service is to know the differences between long codes and short codes. Long codes are the ten-digit numbers that one is likely accustomed to using. These numbers are reserved for communication between one person and another and can be suspended for the heavy traffic that is for mass sending. Short codes are five or six digit numbers that the businesses can use for communicating with the customers through text messages. Short codes allow the businesses to send messages instantly to the customers without any fear of being suspended.

The first part to stay compliant with this marketing channel is constantly gaining consent. Gaining consent is the greatest advantage of using short codes because this makes the entire communication process very easy. Significantly, if any customer is interested in receiving SMSs from the particular business or brand, the business or the brand then gains their contact details along with their consent. This is because by messaging the business or brand, they have shown interest in getting the messages from them.

After gaining the consent of the customers, the business will have to ensure that the sending remains compliant. Depending on the intended use, the business will need to choose the most applicable option. The options are promotional, information, loyalty program, entertainment, query service, etc. At any time, the customer can send ‘STOP’ to the customer service of the brand, if they no more want to receive messages from the brand. This is like the ‘unsubscribe’ option in emails. As for the help option, the customers can send ‘HELP’ to the short code of the brand.

SMS marketing is truly a great way to engage the customers for longer time to your brand. The service provided by the most reputable Bulk SMS Reseller Service Provider comes with built-in features that help to stay compliant.