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10+ years of experience

Engage your Customer with SMS Marketing

promotional sms in kolkataSending a message to your customers is indeed a better way of promoting your business. No doubt, SMS are getting more attention and chances are high that more people will notice it. So naturally Bulk SMS are actually helping to increase the sales. Companies are sending frequent offers to their customers through SMS marketing. This will also increase the brand value of a company. SMS marketing is considered to drive in the most customer engagement and retain also. Here are some successful ideas if SMS marketing:- Continue reading Engage your Customer with SMS Marketing

Advantages in Using Bulk SMS Services for Business

sms marketing servicesIt is known by everyone that SMS is the quickest way that is used as a marketing tool for any business. Many still think that SMS marketing services are only being meant for some particular businesses. It is said that every business structure toady use this tool because it not only helps to reach a large section of the community but also it is beneficial to boost any business structure. Here are some reasons why every business structure must use bulk SMS services for their business:- Continue reading Advantages in Using Bulk SMS Services for Business

All You Need To Know About Missed Call Service

missed call serviceWhen any customer will give you a missed call in a definite number, which is a special number actually dedicated to receiving such missed calls. In these numbers, you can also reply the customers via text messages in response to the missed call. Missed call alert is actually a website based application that helps to engage your customers. Missed call service is generally used for the different verification process, polling, voting, to get feedback from customers and even for call back services. Continue reading All You Need To Know About Missed Call Service

Benefits of Whatsapp Marketing for Every Business

whatsapp marketing in indiaIn today’s market, it is important for every business to use some innovative marketing tool for promoting their business. Due to the use of such innovative marketing methods, it is important that you choose some direct marketing tools to connect your customers and promote your brand effectively. On such effective direct marketing tool is WhatsApp. No doubt, WhatsApp marketing in India has become very popular and very much useful to stay connected with your targeted customers. Moreover, it is beneficial to use because not only we are able to contact our customers immediately but also transforming them into the potential client as well. Here are some benefits of availing WhatsApp marketing which can be very useful for your business:- Continue reading Benefits of Whatsapp Marketing for Every Business

Choose the Right SMS Format that Suits your Business

SMS marketing has been historically a very important part in the marketing of products in the Indian market place of goods and services. It has always been the case that the client has received only add-on on their investment by investing in SMS marketing of their companies. But as the information age burst in through the shackles of our mobile phones, we started sharing gigantic proportions of data about each other. Mobile phones became smarter and SMS seemed to be getting outdated. Even then SMS exists still today in various forms. From the range of Bulk SMS service to voice SMS service, SMS still exists as major force in the marketing Industry, driving up sales like always.

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Now let us discuss the similarities and dissimilarities between the ranges of services offered in the two spectrums of SMS marketing. Now as data is abundant across the globe just with a swipe on our mobile phones we need to be more specific about the data that we send to our customers.   Continue reading Choose the Right SMS Format that Suits your Business

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